Randwick hairdresser

Questions to ask your Randwick hairdresser

You know that feeling when you walk into a salon and the hairdresser gets you? You’re on the same page and you trust them to do their best work. But there’s a lot that goes into finding that perfect match — including what questions to ask before booking appointments or getting your hair cut. Here’s what you should be asking you Randwick hairdresser before getting your hair done. 

Do you have experience with my hair type?

It’s important to find out if your stylist has worked with your hair before. Here’s a few things to consider before booking an appointment with a Randwick hairdresser. 

If you have curly hair, ask your Randwick hairdresser if they have experience working with curly hair and if they know how to cut it to make it look more flattering. If you have thinning hair, ask if they have any tips for making your hair look fuller without losing length. If your hair is dry or damaged from colouring, ask about products that might help restore moisture and shine while still preserving body.

What products do you use?

When you visit your stylist, ask them what products they use in the salon. You can then choose to buy some of these products for home use. If you are looking for specific information on how a product is tested or what ingredients it contains, then this could help answer all your questions.

Have you done this style, (or similar) before?

In asking your stylist these questions, it is important that they give an honest answer. If they are not comfortable doing something like a fringe or a short cut then chances are high that it will not turn out well. Asking for references can help ensure that you find someone that is experienced in what it is that you want to do with your hair.

  • Have you done this style, (or similar) before?
  • If so, do you have a reference I can speak with?
  • Do you have photos/a portfolio of your work?

Can we test colour on a small patch of my hair first?

It’s always a good idea to test the colour on a small patch of your hair first. If you don’t like it, it’s far easier to have it corrected than the whole head. You can also use this time to ask if there are other options that might suit you better, like a lighter shade or one that will last well over time.

You have many options to make sure your hair is in good hands.

You have many options to make sure your hair is in good hands. Here are a few questions you should ask your Randwick hairdresser:

  • How long have you been cutting hair? Haircuts typically take more than one visit to perfect and can involve time-consuming maintenance such as moisturizing treatments. You should feel comfortable asking about their experience and be able to trust that they know what they’re doing.
  • What products do you use on my hair after the cut? Professional stylists usually have their own line of top-notch products (the expensive stuff), but some salons also offer lower-cost generic brands or even barbershop shave cream from the drugstore aisle (which is actually quite nice). Make sure you’re comfortable with whatever conditioner, shampoo, or other post-cut treatment they decide on before committing yourself for an entire session!
  • Have I seen this style before? Just like any other job interview scenario where someone asks if something is new or unfamiliar—you should be able to gauge whether the Randwick hairdresser is truly committed enough about learning new tricks by asking them if there’s anything specific about this particular style that will challenge them professionally (and personally).


Hair is one of the most important features of our appearance. When it comes to choosing a Randwick hairdresser, you want someone who knows what they’re doing, has experience with your hair type, and shares your vision for how your hair should look. With these questions you can find out if a stylist is the right fit for you!