opals for sale australia

The ultimate guide to buying the opals for sale Australia puts out there 

No better way by starting this article than by being honest with you; you should do as much research about the opals for sale Australia puts out so you know what to expect when buying one. There are a lot of fake opal vendors out there. Thing is, knowledge prevents you from falling victim to frauds and crooks. 

And, the good news is we are here to make things easy for you! 

Are you on the lookout for a solid, doublet, or triplet opal?  Before you get confused about what the terms mean, let’s explain. 

When an externally thin opal slice adheres to a black background, it forms doubles and triplets. Doublets and triplets are cheaper to buy but they get damaged easily when submerged in water. Just before buying the opals for sale Australia puts out, …

You should know the types of opals 

Opals come in different varieties. There are differences, not just in their color but also in the fact that they can be traced to specific regions of the world. Examples are black opals, white opals, boulder opals (closest relative to the black opals), and crystal or transparent opals. 

Generally, black opals, known not only for their class are the most expensive of opals partly because it is rare. Secondly, their dark body tone makes them stand out from other opals of the world. Its closest relative is the boulder opals. Their color is also amazing but not as amazing as the black opals for sale Australia puts out. 

Boulder opals are dark in color because of their ironstone content. These opals form in what is known as an “ironstone backing” specifically in the tiny veins. However, when it comes to pricing, it’s still lower than black opals. 

Then we have the white opals. These have a milky body tone. They are more common than all the other classes of opals for sale Australia puts out there. Sometimes they appear less bright, however, they are still visually appealing. 

Last on the list is the crystal opals. They are usually translucent in appearance and are usually paired with another color to boost their value. 

How to select opals for sale Australia has 

Just like individuals, opals are unique. Therefore when making a choice, go for the ones that appeal to your taste. However, also consider the cost. The most costly stone of all is red on black. 

Secondly, when choosing an opal, you should take into cognizance what you want to use it for. The shape and size are crucial considerations when purchasing a high-quality one. 

A bright stone is visually appealing regardless of its color. Even those that appear dim are not left out too. However, bright stones cost more than dim stones. 

When it comes to colors, red is the most valued followed by orange, yellow, green, and blue. 

Additionally, when you make a purchase, always insist they give you a “signed certificate of authenticity” along with your opal. Why? When you receive this certificate, the dealer becomes responsible especially in issues bordering on insurance and resale. 

Finally, when it comes to opals for sale Australia puts out, go for honest vendors. This is because if the stone has flaws, they will let you know. As a rule of thumb, avoid stones with cracks. To ensure it has no cracks, study the stone when it dries by holding it up to a light source. 

This is how you research the opals for sale Australia puts out there. We hope you’ve learned a thing or two. Let us know by using the comment session.